06 Jan 6 reasons to make a personal website
Having a personal website – Showing your biography, contact info, skills and education is a great way to brand yourself facing new as well as existing customers. Also recruiters, CEO’s and executives will be happy to find this information before an job interview.
Anyway only 7% of people in business do have a personal website. Having one will help you to differentiate from the competitors.
Below you will find 6 reasons why you should consider to have a personal website:
1) Easy to contact you
A personal website gives you the opportunity to choose which channels to use in order to contact you. Whether it is: Phone, e-mail, Skype, LinkedIn or Twitter. When you write your name, education and industry on the website you will rank on that kind of searches in the search engines too.
2) Serious networker
LinkedIn is a great tool, but only 22% of people with a college education use the network.
60-70% of people makes a search for your name before or after an important meeting. They do it in order to find out who you are, In a situation like this you will stand out as a person who makes a difference.
3) Control your online presence
It is your way to control, what is written about you and not least what is ranked at page 1 and 2 in Google.
70-80% of the worlds recruiters and executives search for candidates on Google before an job interview or a recruitment of a top-CEO.
Leaving your resume, bio, skills and other relevant information on your website you give them the opportunity to get the right impression about you.
4) Show your work or results
Whether you are a salesman, marketer, photographer, freelancer or director a personal website gives you the possibility to show cases, results, graphs or testimonials.
5) The press
The press will be able to find necessary information and pictures on your personal website. It is therefore important that you often update your website with relevant information.
6) Blog
Posting relevant posts on your blog will give you the opportunity to brand yourself to your target audience.
Contact me today – If you want your own personal website!